Thursday, June 28, 2007

To All of My Friends at Basic

There is no way to describe how much appreciation I have for each and every one of you.

Grant Coultas - Air Force
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You were one of my first friends that I made at Bellevue East. Probably the very first I made in JROTC period. I'll definately remember you as one of the goofiest kids I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and how much of a blast we had freshman year (even if drill team was just unarmed reg). Thanks for showing me how to be myself without fear of what others might say, I know with all the weird stuff that we (or just you) did, it really helped me come out of my shell. If I had a single best friend at Bellevue East, you were probably it.

Paul Brown - Air Force
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The one thing that sticks out in my mind when I think about you is your "field trips" that you would take at drill team practice freshman year. This is not a bad thing, in fact, it is one of your more admirable qualities that comes to mind from that memory: that you dont give up. You see what you want and you stick with it. You showed me what it was like to look at your goal, grasp it with every fibre of your being and chase after it as fast as your legs can carry you there. There is no reason why you shouldnt be able to be able to go teach some ignorant AS-1s in a random JROTC somewhere and be known throughout the school as "Chief" someday (if thats what you choose to do). You were always a great friend to me and everyone else on the team, even if we did pick on you about your ideoscyncracies. They were what made you the Paul that we all respected as one of the most dedicated cadets on the team.

Jacob Ryder - Marines
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Although I havent known you all that long, and never actually got to talk to you in person, you really helped me out in my preperations for Nationals. You guided me in some things that you saw I needed work on and told me things that I might want to do to help in my routine and in my days-before preperations for Nats. You also showed me how freakin ripped short people can get ;D

Adam Krentz - Marines
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One of the many things that come to mind when I hear the name Adam Krentz are two words; BAD ASS. Out of all of the people I have met via Internet you are definately the most in-your-face-I'm-better-than-you kind of person I've met so far. Your style of drill leaves your audience in awe of your greatness and stamina. Im glad to have had the chance to have compete against you at Nats; I dont think I will ever forget coming in one place behind the god of flow! :D Hope to see you at ISIS someday soon!

Andrew Gordon - Navy
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Gamer. Driller. Friend. Pimp. What else could describe someone like Andrew Gordon? Oh yea, weak! You heard me! For someone as talented a driller as you are, you are by far the weakest... but... I know that when you do get stronger, you will have as many National level trophies on your wall as the number of National level competitions you enter into. The only thing that has ever set you back is yourself. I hope that soon you will see that and go at life with as full a force as I know you can. You are one of my best friends and I want to see you do as well as you possibly can. (No matter what, you're still one of the coolest kids I know :D )

Oh, and quit hogging all the hot girls to yourself. :D

Sarah Swingle - Air Force
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Things have come a long way since freshman year havent they? I can still remember what it felt like to compete against you for the top awards and spot in Chief's eyes. In spite of this competition (or perhaps because of it), we became friends and, although it took some time, kept in touch even though we both moved away from Bellevue and on to bigger and better things. Heck, you were the last person I talked to from Bellevue and the first to talk to once I started finding people again. Your friendship has not only helped me with everyday life, but has also shown me that old friends can be kept even though thousands of miles may seperate you. Thank you for all the support you've given me regarding moves or new schools or ROTC or drill or whatever. You have definately been a big help in each of these challenges in my life so far. I really hope that we dont lose touch as you go off and save the world like I know you will.

Each of you are destined to do great things in your lives and will have a blast doing it. I thank you all for your service to our nation and your friendships you have given to me. I hope to see you all again (or see you for a first time for some) someday. You all have helped make me the person I am today and I am so proud of you all!!!
